Friday, November 15, 2019


We're lucky to be living in a time when communications are not only instant, they are conducted in all sorts of ways. We not only have mobile smart telephones that boast far more computing power then the computers that sent men to the moon, we have Facebook, Twitter, video chats, blogs, vlogs, YouTube, PodCasts...any number of ways to communicate both directly and indirectly.

It's so easy to communicate now, we can become famous just by creating our own mini-TV station (My son Harrison is presently doing fan referred to him as "God"). Or we can communicate directly with the already famous, if they so wish.

But all this access has given rise to the annoying phenom of ghosting. That is, when you are in a relationship with someone, be it professional or personal, and after emailing or texting them, they simply choose to ignore you for whatever reason. In other words, they basically cut off all communication with no explanation. It's not only infuriating, it's kind of cowardly, to say the least (publishers and agents like to pull this shit, trust me).

I don't ghost.

That is, if you are close to me in the business of writing world or the friendship world, I will always respond to you, even if what I'm about to communicate isn't necessarily what you want to hear. There are any number of reasons why someone might want to ghost me. Maybe you owe me money. Maybe you don't like my Blitzkrieg Publishing mentality and MO. Maybe you don't like shoes. Who the hell knows.

All I know is this. You know who you are. And if you are going ghost me, you will become invisible to me (you see what I did there).


 Just a few days left to pre-order THE EXTORTIONIST, the newest in the awesome, bestselling, totally cool, Steve Jobz PI series.

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