Poor writer went to writing school. He was taught to write slowly, by hand if necessary, and to craft his sentences until they were shiny and perfect.
Rich writer might have gone to writing school, but immediately discarded what he was taught there since it became fairly obvious that writing school is for learning how to become a writing teacher, not a professional fiction author. He writes at pulp speed (3,000 words per day on average).
Poor writer writes maybe one book per year and depends entirely upon the traditional method of publishing, be it with a small, medium, or large press.
Rich writer goes hybrid. He not only publishes traditionally, but he starts his own press too. He writes upwards of one book or novella per month, sometimes in genres and/or with plots that no traditional publishing house would ever consider buying for their list.
Poor writer must either teach and/or maintain a day job in order to make ends meet, even if he has published many novels traditionally.
Rich writer views his many indie books as assets, sort of like real estate. Every book, every short story, and novella become another piece of intellectual property that will make him a fair return on investment (ROI) for years to come.
Poor writer believes entirely on mega upfront advances, even if there's no hope in earning said advance out.
Rich writer also believes in mega advances. But he doesn't discount minimal advances with a generous royalty back-end for his traditional titles (the sooner one earns out the better), and consistent passive income and steady growth for his indie titles.
Poor writer is too proud to write anything that isn't considered high-brow or literary.
Rich writer pens in all sorts of genres...genres he loves to read. And his prose can compete with any literary writer.
Poor writer lives a solitary sometimes sad life, and rarely engages with other writers since he is jealous of their success.
Rich writer not only engages frequently with other writers, he props them and their new books up whenever he can. He is constantly amazed at the success of his fellow authors. It gives him hope for his own future.
Poor writer doesn't learn anything new after writing school. He's too good for that.
Rich writer is constantly learning, and constantly striving to educate and reeducate himself not only on how to be a better writer, but also a better seller of his books.
Poor writer never markets his work. It's beneath him.
Rich writer markets like crazy, and/or or hires a marketing professional to "move units."
Poor writer looks at the decline in the number of independent bookstores in recent years, and with what looks like the eventual demise of Barnes and Noble, doesn't see much hope for books in the 21st century.
Rich writer gazes at the stats on how many smartphones are being sold per year to just about every soul on the planet, and sees a barely tapped goldmine.
(to be continued...)
Loving your new book: The Hybrid Author Mindset. Great info and a great reality check.